Top 20 NuGet math Packages

The library for basic mathematics.
Ratchet Matrix is a library part of the ratchet that allows matrix and vector manipulation for graphics and projective geometry
Math.NET Filtering, providing methods and algorithms for signal processing and filtering in science, engineering and every day use. Supports .Net Framework 4.0 or higher and .Net Standard 1.3 or higher, on Windows, Linux and Mac. This package contains strong-named assemblies for legacy use cases (no...
Simple compiler of mathematical expressions.
An Interpreter that takes a math formula (string) as input, and outputs a numeric result.
Ocura Helper is a collections of utility classes and extension methods for dotnet. It includes code to help with tasks including functions and utilities to compare, convert, datetime, enum, linq, math, null and string.
MyScript Interactive Ink SDK runtime libraries for UWP. Interactive Ink extends digital ink to allow users to more intuitively create, interact with, and share content in digital form. Handwritten text, mathematical equations or even diagrams are interpreted in real-time to be editable v...
General prupose matrix class
Yeppp! is a multi-platform high-performance SIMD-optimized mathematical library. Yeppp! provides optimized operations on vectors, such as vector addition, dot product, sum of absolute values, or exponential of vector elements. This is a multi-platform CLR bundle which internally contains platform...
Takes a math string as an input and returns the answer.
MyScript Interactive Ink SDK runtime libraries for WPF. Interactive Ink extends digital ink to allow users to more intuitively create, interact with, and share content in digital form. Handwritten text, mathematical equations or even diagrams are interpreted in real-time to be editable v...
Netbiis Helper is a collections of utility classes and extension methods for dotnet. It includes code to help with tasks including functions and utilities to compare, convert, datetime, enum, linq, math, null and string.
A TextBox by default value to hint that and have some features such as Math Parser, Numeric Mode, Thousands Separator and etc. for more informations:
Provides SizeD, PointD and RectangleD for double values. Also adds other useful geometry functions and Robert Penner's easing equations.
==================================== Bluebit .NET Matrix Library - 32 bit ==================================== This is a free version of .NET Matrix Library (NML™) which will allow matrix sizes up to 1000 x 1000. The Bluebit .NET Matrix Library (NML™) provides classes for object-oriented linear al...
==================================== Bluebit .NET Matrix Library - 64 bit ==================================== This is a free version of .NET Matrix Library (NML™) which will allow matrix sizes up to 1000 x 1000. The Bluebit .NET Matrix Library (NML™) provides classes for object-oriented linear al...
Fire-API for .NET Framework by Renaud42.
Some randomization utilities.