Top 20 NuGet management Packages

A library for handling page navigation and state for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications.
Manage your webhooks easily.
Cross platform asset management for Xamarin projects.
Library for reading and writing EPA *.inp SWMM files.
Network Controller is a fully managed networking solution that allows customers to programmatically view, control, change, and monitor your entire Azure network centrally and with ease.
SwmmObjects is a library used to create, open, edit and save SWMM input files.
Provides developers with libraries for managing hybrid machines
Includes library which allows to attach NetRx.Store Monitor tool to an application at a runtime
Manage and organize your exceptions with a base class. The base class provides mechanisms for automatic logs.
Management API for LocalizeServer. Interface for add or modify resource items
Provides a base class for secrets replacement in Dotnet Core and a base interface for secrets retrieval.