Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

Converts the rows of a bidimensional-array to a list of unidimensional-arrays
Hashifies filenames so browser and intermeditary caches are busted.
MiniProfiler integration for Entity Framework 6 adjusted for ServiceStack
This is a extended DropdownListFor control for mvc which will show options with colored text and by selecting a option that color will be shown as legend.
Lightweight AJAX Framework.
A very simple reflection-based templating engine.
MVC Razor WebPages Asp.NET Framework
MVC framework for desktop applications
Let face it - memory caching in .Net 3.5 is a pain. It tends to involve rolling your own solution or downloading something enormous (like MS enterprise libraries). This little package is designed to sit between the 2. If you need to know how it does what it does, the code is on github! Huzzah!
Common configuration, helper and abstraction classes used by other TestEasy packages
Utility methods for unit testing model validation in ASP.NET MVC. Enables you to execute validation on a model object from a unit test. This way you can test if your validation annotations are working properly, for example. Also allows you to perform validation of a (view)model against ...
MvcWebApiCors is a small library for .NET MVC 4 which sets the response headers correctly to allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing. You don't have to upgrade to MVC 5, you don't have to upgrade to Visual Studio 2013 and you definitely don't have to have IE10!
This package provides a very simple data dump into Excel for MVC applicaitions.
Package Description