Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

DonutCaching provides extensible donut output caching for ASP.NET MVC 3 and above. Forked from
A security package to allow an attribute to be set on controller methods to allow debugging over non SSL connections locally, but ensuring when the code goes to a live environment SSL connections are required.
Useful tools for ASP.NET MVC applications. For example, support for jQuery plugin
The template to bind JSON data to View from Controller in MVC Application.
A nuget pacakge for setting up Thorax.js in an MVC project.
This is a small library that allows to use C# classes and helpers to include some of bootstrap controls and components to a MVC page.
Use within ASP.NET MVC Razor Views to let your Partial Views and Html Helpers insert their scripts, style sheets, and other content into the appropriate areas of the page. Often their locations are defined in a different View file such as the master page.
Asp.Mvc customizable form authentication.
Automatically supports profiling all methods called on interfaces resolved from an Autofac IoC container.
NHibernate drivers to support integration with MiniProfiler.
Installs Umbraco CMS with the MVC template flag enabled. As the amount of times I have installed Umbraco from Nuget and forgotten to set the MVC flag. So this will help combat that!
Create modules for using a base class that helps you subscribe to application events easier than before and in a unit testable manner.
Provides a configurable and extendable localization service that can wrap around virtually any localization strategy. Package comes wired up for resx-based localization along with a set of HtmlHelper extensions providing contextual localization for string and even inline content markup.
A few light weight classes for ASP.Net MVC web applications
For the default, .NET have the SqlRoleProvide which only works on Sql Server with the predesigned database schema. This is not a flexible way. .net MVC4, a new class "SimpleRoleProvider" which can work on most database and enable user to define their database chema. Unfortunately, this class can't b...
This package install framework javascript into your script folder and adds reference to Mitchell.Mvc.Framework.dll
Weld is a open-source framework for creating TypeScript classes based on your MVC controller. Weld makes it easier to use ajax calls in your TypeScipt.
Validators: RemoteWithServerSideValidationAttribute - can be used like standard mvc RemoteAttribute. The only difference is, that new validator works both server and client side.
A load generator command-line tool for testing websites and HTTP APIs
A library that I use to provide dependency resolution for MVC4 sites. Uses StructureMap.