Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

This sets WebGrease as the CSS minifier for Batman.
This adds the ability to bundle less files within Batman.
HTML Helper extensions for MVC3 projects using Twitter Bootstrap
Utilitario para aplicações MVC
Asp.Net MVC4 Grid
Starter kit for building a SPA with ASP.NET MVC, TypeScript, Knockout, Durandal, and Breeze. To use start by creating an empty MVC4 application and then apply this nuget package using: Install-Package SPAcify
TeleportR is a high level API that facilates data exchange from JavaScript to an ASP.NET server-side application.
Way to manage parameters after hash(#) and access query string in single page web applications.
Equ Umbraco Bootstrap
Expected Tools for MVC
This Nuget Package will help in providing html helper in ASP.NET MVC4 to create a basic DataGrid with Paging. This Package need AngularJS and BootStrap & font-awesome css.
ContentEditableMvc lets you use the power of the HTML5 contenteditable attribute and Ajax to make content changes client side.
Avoid runtime error "The model item passed into the dictionary is of type ‘X’ but this dictionary requires a model item of type ‘Y‘". The template generates truly strongly typed views to use in your controllers with zero configuration.
These are 2 free controls for ASP.NET MVC, ScheduleCalendar and ScheduleGeneral, designed to show scheduled events in the form of a table
To generate js, css, image files link from cdnjs or any others cdn provider. @Html.LoadCdn("jquery", "1.8.3", "jquery.min.js") @Html.LoadCdn("meyer-reset", "2.0", "reset.css") @Html.LoadCdn("twitter-bootstrap", "2.3.2", "img/glyphicons-halflings.png") @Html.LoadCdn("//
A few useful classes
The Tiraggo Dynamic Query API (based on EntitySpaces) for the Entity Framework (VS2010 or VS2012). Use Tiraggo instead of LINQ/Lambda expressions to load your EF POCO's via the intuitive Tiraggo Dynamic Query API.
A convention based route discovery library for the .NET platform
TiraggoEdmx exposes the full EDMX metadata to your T4 Templates including the low level physical SQL mapppings. After using TiraggoEdmx it will soon be your preferred way to write T4 templates. Many enhancements are coming to the API. If you want to help take a look at the 'TiraggoEntityInfo' class ...
The core infrastructure classes for the NarraSparkMVC plugins.