Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

A simple package that adds the ValidateModelAttribute for ASP.NET Core MVC usage.
Health check result output for web project .NET Framework 4.5+. For ASP.NET Core ,please user NetCorePal.HealthCheck.AspNetCore.
SimpleInjector integration with Asp.Net Core
This library adds localization support for the convention-based ASP.NET MVC routing system. It is a lightweight and transparent extension for the framework's built-in routing mechanism by translating routes into multiple URLs in different languages, and vice versa.
How many times have you compiled your C# code today? So many that you already forgot, right? Imagine if you could write code and you never had to compile a single change you do. You just ran the app and coded all along. Well, you can stop imagining, because that is a reality. ShapeFX its just that!...
This package add the data type compatibility for ASP.NET 5 TempData feature.
ASP.NET MVC 6 Extensions Library provides addtional tag helpers and utility for simplify ASP.NET 5 web application development.
An ASP.NET Core MVC package that simplifies route localization of attribute routes.
**Note this is a .NET 4 version which uses the Microsoft.Bcl.Async library to run** An extremely easy to use Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sqlite, SqlCE. Originally Schotime's PetaPoco branch.
A NetStandard 2.0 Neo4j based identity provider for ASP.NET.
T4 templates for generating repositories with NecroNetToolkit.
HTML Helpers for #NancyFx's Razor implementation
HTML Helpers for #NancyFx's Razor implementation
Hystrix like .Net implementation for asp.net5.
Hydrogen Async Extensions for ASP.NET MVC 5
StructureMap 3 IOC Integration for HtmlTags.AspNet.Mvc
ASP.NET MVC Helpers and conventions for ZURB Foundation using HtmlTags.AspNet.Mvc
ASP.NET MVC helpers and conventions for Twitter Bootstrap using HtmlTags.AspNet.Mvc
Adds a Glimpse tab for RouteLocalization MVC.