Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Enterprise Library Logging Dynamics Crm 2011 Trace Listener
Common Logging Adapter for DotLog
Integrated Elmah logging in Nancy
This package works with the Ninject.Extensions.Logging package to automatically inject loggers without having to scatter your code with [Inject] attributes on every logger property.
log4net Dynamics Crm 2011 Appender
log4net SharePoint 2013 Appender
this.Log-log4net is the log4net plugin to this.Log logging extension.
this.Log-log4net.Sample is a sample of how to use the log4net plugin to this.Log logging extension.
this.Log-Moq is the Moq plugin to this.Log logging extension that brings the MockLogger.
this.Log-NLog is the NLog plugin to this.Log logging extension.
this.Log-RhinoMocks is the Rhino Mocks plugin to this.Log logging extension that brings the MockLogger.s
this.Log-log4net.Sample is a sample of how to use the log4net plugin to this.Log logging extension.
this.Log-NLog.Sample is a sample of how to use the NLog plugin to this.Log logging extension.
this.Log-NLog.Sample is a sample of how to use the NLog plugin to this.Log logging extension.
ASP.NET WebForms and MVC integration for Pulsus logging library in .NET 4. This registers the ErrorLoggingModule in the ASP.NET pipeline by using DynamicModuleUtility.RegisterModule(typeof(ErrorLoggingModule)).
Errordite.Client.Log4net extends Errordite to enable the capturing of instrumentation sent to Log4net from your web application, this data is sent along with your errors to Errordite.
Errordite receives all your application exceptions and groups together those that are the same - automatically or with rules you define. You then decide how to progress the errors. You can fix them, ignore them, or wait and see how often the error occurs. This is the MVC4 version which automaticaly ...
An NLog target for Loggly
le_log4net is a plugin library for Log4Net to enable logging to Logentries from a .NET platform. Logentries is a real-time log management service on the cloud. More info at Nuget source and instructions can be found at
This project contains the MySQl implementation of the nohros data API.