Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Container abstraction integrated with Autofac.
Common Logging Functionality
Ninject integration for Kogir.Logging.
Package description
Azure Diagnostics interop with log4net
NLogGrowlNotify is a custom target for NLog version 2.0 allowing you to send logging messages to Growl for Windows
Airbrake Notifier for .NET
Ninject module to register NLog Utility.Logging components
Provides an HTML Tracking Viewer that shows real-time tracking data for Workflow Foundation Service applications. Use the http://mymachine/myworkflowapp/trackingviewer URL in your browser to view live tracking information
WP7Contrib caching assemblies. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Caching.dll WP7Contrib.Common.dll WP7Contrib.Collections.dll WP7Contrib.Logging.dll
WP7Contrib core assemblies. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Common.dll WP7Contrib.Collections.dll WP7Contrib.Diagnostics.dll WP7Contrib.Logging.dll
Common.Logging library bindings for Enterprise Library 5.0 logging framework.
Mail module for ELFAR. Requires one of the ErrorLog Provider packages to be installed and a manual update of the App_Start\Elfar.cs file.
Twitter module for ELFAR. Requires one of the ErrorLog Provider packages to be installed and a manual update of the App_Start\Elfar.cs file.
Additional logging provider for NanoMessageBus using Log4Net v1.2.10.
Additional logging provider for NanoMessageBus using NLog.
This project contains the log4net implementation of the nohros logging API.
Common.Logging library bindings for Enterprise Library 3.1 logging framework.
Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 1.0 logging framework.