Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Cloud.Simple makes simple work of cloud exception handling and logging. See the githib project for usage details. Just enter a storage account name and key, and you're good to go.
Portable implementation of a simple logging framework for Universal Apps. It supports logging to files, archiving and logging to SQLite. Please visit the project page for further informations.(Windows Phone 8.1, and Windows 8.1)
Portable implementation of a simple logging framework for Universal Apps. It supports logging to files, archiving and logging to SQLite. Please visit the project page for further informations.(Windows Phone 8.1, and Windows 8.1)
Portable implementation of a simple logging framework for Universal Apps. It supports logging to files, archiving and logging to SQLite. Please visit the project page for further informations.(Windows Phone 8.1, and Windows 8.1)
Castle Windsor logger for Touch SDK.
Log4net logger for Touch SDK.
Assign Sitecore's logging to the BoC's logging abstraction layer
Assign Log4Net to the BoC's logging abstraction layer
Amazon S3 sink for Semantic Logging Application block in Microsoft Enterprise Library 6. This is a simple sink for the purpose of a blog post.
This integration library adds support for LibLog to MassTransit. LibLog enables dependency free logging. It contains transparent builtin support for NLog, Log4Net, EntLib Logging and SeriLog or allows the user to define a custom provider. Works with .NET 4 and higher.
log4net appender to record logs in
A facade on EventStore allowing the logging of any serialisable object as the Data of a StorableEvent
Common functionality for use with SimpleData over Oracle
a library to make logging with log4net easier
Common.Logging.Portable contains the Silverlight 5 implementation of the common.logging library which introduces a simple abstraction to allow you to select a specific logging implementation at runtime.
Базовая реализация логирования для Rikrop.Core.
Mongo appender for Log4net
Composite C1 Trace Listener to send logs to Loggly
A simple Nlog / OWIN log factory adapter