Top 20 NuGet list Packages

FluentListView is a C# wrapper around a .NET ListView, supporting model-bound lists, in-place item editing, drag and drop, icons, themes, trees & data grids, and much more.
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.
PGP word list and functionality to encode and decode series of PGP words.
ListPool and ValueListPool are optimized allocation free implementations of IList using ArrayPool. Changelog: * Improve dispose performance ListPool is the general use of the implementation, we recommend to use ListPool for most of the cases. ValueListPool is the zero heap alloca...
Useful collection structures. Balanced for both performance and memory usage!
Common lib for string, list, enum, datetime,...
A package for filtering queries or arrays.
.NET library that implements an ordered dictionary. Provides all the functionality of Dictionary<TKey, TValue> but also maintains the items in an ordered list. Items can be added, removed and accessed by key or index. Implements IDictionary.
A collection that supports thread-safe append-only writes and lock-free random access reads.
Extensions for incomplete methods. string: Trim, Left, Right, Substring int: ToInt, ToIntNullable
Binary Node List is a basic file format that is meant to store generic streams of data organized with keys and array indices.
Helper Class and Extensions DateTime,ShamsiDate,Enum,HttpContent,HttpRequest,List,ModelState,Random,Encryption,HtmlHelper
Conzole is a collection of static helper functions to simplify data display and input from the command line in DotNet Core.
Helper Class and Extensions for DotNetStandard DateTime,ShamsiDate,Enum,HttpContent,HttpRequest,List,ModelState,Random,Encryption,HtmlHelper
Extension methods for splitting collection into batches. Add this package to your core library, so it would get the source code of this module without installing a binary dependency. Then proceed with using corresponding functionality from Atom.Util namespace, like if it was installed using binary ...
Provides a simple set of list based extensions for Stack operation.
Provides a simple set of list based extensions for Queue operation.
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.