Top 20 NuGet json Packages

Xamabrouk.MySQLJsonBased.Interface provides interfaces for Xamabrouk.MySQLJsonBased.
Xamabrouk.MySQLJsonBased.Entity provides entities for Xamabrouk.MySQLJsonBased.
'Xamabrouk.MySQLJsonBased' facilates the usage of JSON documents applied to MySQL Database. It creates dynamcally MySQL tables that contains JSON documents and provides options to add, edit and delete items and documents.
JSON configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
This package is based on project and is written by Kevin Dockx.
dotnet core jsonCompare lib to deep compare jsons JArray/JConstructor/JObject/JProperty/JValue
POCOs for objects in app.config and web.config
Core Mapping library
ASP.NET Core MVC formatters for JSON PATCH input using System.Text.Json.
ASP.NET Core support for JSON PATCH with System.Text.Json.
A JSON provider implementation for the Localizer.Net library.
1.0.6 Build: You can now create, filter and delete your own nodes. For more information about this project, I invite to send you an email to [email protected] and get API enabling file to work with this library. If you send an email to this email. I will invite you to deploy this dat...
Abstractions to implement logging.
Very simple shortcuts for use System.Text.Json and Newtonsoft libraries.
Package Description
Package Description
In-memory JSON configuration provider extending Microsoft configuration.