Top 20 NuGet json Packages

Consumo Api Northwind customers
Consumo API Nortwind y recuperamos Customers
Package Description
Puedes ver los Customers de una API publica
Package Description
Holaaa amigos, estamos creando una api de northwind
Consume de ApiNorthwind y recuperamos Customers
Package Description
Provides additional configuration specific functionality related to Options using Json.NET. It's an alternative for Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions.
Create MemoryConfigurationProvider with JSON string or JSON serializable object for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration using Json.NET.
Functionality to bind an object to data in configuration providers for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration using Json.NET. It's an alternative for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder.
MDK.Json is a json library for .NET4.0,Derived from Newtonsoft.Json.
Localizer that uses json files (just like ngx-translate in angular)
This is a simple Powershell function that will take a folder full of JSON files and recursively convert them into XML files
Package Description
Package Description
A simple Json Web Token authentication helper library that allows you to generate access tokens easily for both ASP.NET Core web apps (cookie based auth) and Web APIs (stateless token based auth).
Extensions for adding JSON embedded resources as configuration options
Solid.Http.NewtonsoftJson is an extension to Solid.Http.Core for working with json http responses using Newtonsoft.Json.
Solid.Http.Json.Core is a package containing shared classes for json deserialization in Solid.Http.Core.