Top 20 NuGet inotifypropertychanged Packages

A set of types that extend and enhance the databinding functionality in WPF/Silverlight/WinRT. There is currently only one type: ObservableFilter - A configurable filtered ObservableCollection intended to act as a replacement for filtering that was present in WPF but isn't in WinRT. (For when you d...
Extends the observable collection to track events when a value of a particular element within the collection is changed. The Event Arguments also include the actual object that triggered the event. Twitter: @ovidiaconescu
A micro-library to provide support for easy view model creation and view/view model composition.
Automatic INotifyPropertyChanged and IEditableObject interfaces over any object
Roslyn Analyzer/Generator for avoid boring boilerplate INotifyPropertyChanged implementation.
Feather# - An AOP utility for .NET, based on Mono.Cecil.
IL Rewrite Implement INotifyPropertyChanged
Inheritable classes that implement notifying interfaces.
A set of useful and powerful collection classes.
Set of classes for easy and powerful implementation / use of INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged based objects.
Library that simplifies the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged, as described in the July 2016 issue of MSDN magazine (
A .NET Library to make working with Mvvm Patterns easier.
Package Description
Package Description
A library that allows for creation of dynamic proxies that extend functionality of existing objects.
A minimalist framework for MVVM based applications. This framework provides both IPropertyChanged and ICommand implementations, as well as a simple navigation base.
Library that provides constructs that enable convenient implementation of Property Notification in objects
Elimates the annoying PropertyChanged stuff from your ViewModel code.
A fast data binding library that relies exclusively on INotifyPropertyChanged.