Top 20 NuGet inotifypropertychanged Packages

A library containing a Property class that supports bindings, mapping bindings, readonly views and notifications via INotifyPropertyChanged.
Helper methods for implementing and consuming INotifyPropertyChanged.
MSBuild task to simplify implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged interface for WinRT, Silverlight 2+, .NET 2.0+, Windows Phone 7+, Portable Class Libraries. During compile time it injects supporting code in property setters: raising PropertyChanged event when value changed.
Library providing MVVM and INotifyPropertyChanged support for F# projects
Simplify your XAML applications with Light.ViewModels!
Data types and extension methods designed to simplify WPF app development.
MVVM helper types.
Code snippets for Assisticant.
Add a view model locator for use in an Update Controls application.
Add a view model locator for use in an Update Controls application.
Solves the problem of dependent properties and cascading changes by allowing you to declare formula's for properties and ReactGraph will cascade changes in the most efficient way possible
Reduce your setters raising PropertyChanged to only one line of code.
A base implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged, and an extension to add testing INotifyPropertyChanged
This package allows you to create a mixin that implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface from an object of any class that does not implement it
A standalone version of Caliburn.Micro's INPC implementation, BindableCollection, Execute.OnUIThread and InDesignMode checking designed for all Xaml platforms.
Automatically discover view model dependencies and databind without INotifyPropertyChanged.
Code snippets for Update Controls.