Top 20 NuGet inotifypropertychanged Packages

A fluent interface for unit testing INotifyPropertyChanged events
Solves the problem of dependent properties and cascading changes by allowing you to declare formula's for properties and ReactGraph will cascade changes in the most efficient way possible
A dynamic ViewModel sample data generator library for .NET Universal Apps.
Simple MVVM (Model, ViewModel, View) Framework
Provides extension methods for INotifyPropertyChanged to raise the PropertyChanged event and reduce boilerplate code.
common mixins for MixinGenerator
A .NET Standard class library with helpers to assist with bindings in an MVVM environment.
A platform-independent, lightweight library for developing .NET applications using the MVVM architecture
Class library for fluent chaining of ViewModel property notifications. Targets .NET Standard 1.0
Tool to add INotifyPropertyChanged support to NHibernate's proxies, enabling their usage with WPF for example.
Framework для поддержки WPF разработки в Rikrop.
Makes WPF ViewModel classes smart by default. Implements INotifyPropertyChanged and DelegateCommands for auto properties, recognises dependent properties, connects property changed handlers, triggers validation. Supports virtual properties with Entity Famework.
Let a framework figure out what property needs PropertyChanged fired for.
A simple to use yet powerful implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged.
Provides change notifications (INotifyPropertyChanged) for nested data structures (e.g. INotifyCollectionChanged<INotifyPropertyChanged>)
Behaviors for Blazor. Extract functionality from a Component into a Behavior to make it reusable. Reuse it by adding Behaviors to a Component.
Auto INotifyPropertyChanged with Fody and other implementation options.
A minimod that provides a base class that implements the INotifyPropertyChanging and INotifyPropertyChanged interfaces