Top 20 NuGet http Packages

Freya Optics for access to core HTTP properties of requests and responses
A Freya machine expressing the core HTTP semantics and logic
Simple health-checking library supporting RabbitMQ, SQL Server and HTTP Services
Http client for Net framework 4
ASP.NET Core HTTP extensions.
A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
An HTTP & HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications
A package containing several web related utilities.
Hammock is an HTTP API library for .NET that greatly simplifies consuming and wrapping RESTful services.
Spring.NET REST Client Framework
Allows you to automate SimpleBrowser, the C# headless browser from code using Selenium webDriver. SimpleBrowser is a lightweight, yet highly capable browser automation engine designed for automation and testing scenarios.
OpenRasta is an open-source .NET framework for building REST APIs
Easy-to-use, readable and comprehensive library for consuming TeamCity REST API. Written using real scenarios in mind, enables variuos range of queries and operation on TeamCity
An efficient, flexible and simple HTTP parser built with Ragel for speed and consistency
ASP.Net Core Abstraction layer on top of Http Cookie
This is a class that implements the IWebProxy interface to act as an HTTP(S) proxy while connecting to a SOCKS5 server behind the scenes.
Http Client for .Net / .Net Core
Decode byte array or stream containing chunk-transfer-encoded data, particularly useful for HTTP data.
With service management library you can start and manage chains and contexts developed with Chains and communication services. Building up on the tcp protocol support, the "worker" and "admin" concepts are been introduced (admin as the manager process for multiple workers). All the possible ac...
Provides infrastructure for common error handling, tracing, configuration, and HTTP/REST-based pipeline manipulation. The package also exposes the CloudContext type, which enables centralized discovery of available Microsoft Azure libraries. .NET Framework Recommended during Preview: At this time, ...