Top 20 NuGet http Packages

An asynchronous REST API client that allows you to make API calls using LINQ syntax.
Provides interfaces for types in System.Net.Http: HttpClient, HttpContent, HttpRequestMessage, HttpResponseMessage, HttpHeaders, DelegatingHandler, HttpClientHandler, HttpMessageHandler, HttpMessageInvoker, MessageProcessingHandler, MultipartContent, MultipartFormDataContent, HttpContentHeaders, Htt...
Cross Platform HTTP (background) transfer tasks for Xamarin and Windows Supported Platforms * Android 4.3+ * iOS 7+ * Windows UWP Features * Background Uploads and Downloads on each platform * Supports transfer filtering based on metered connections (iOS and UWP only at the moment) * Event Based M...
The Vanguard Framework is a framework for developing database driven web applications and web services. It combines a set of design patterns and best practices to kick start your project.
A Freya Router based on URI Templates for route matching
An extension to the Freya HTTP Machine adding Patch support
An extension to the Freya HTTP Machine adding CORS support
Class library to build clients and work with HTTP web services.
Reddit.NET is a .NET Standard library that provides easy access to the Reddit API with virtually no boilerplate code required.
A set of utilities used to configure HttpClient and related types.
ImageResizer plugin for resizing images located on remote servers
TweetSharp v2 is a fast, clean wrapper around the Twitter API. It uses T4 templates to make adding new endpoints easy.
TweetMoaSharp is a fast, clean wrapper around the Twitter API. Based on the original TweetSharp.
Easily create fake HTTP endpoints for integration testing
Experience is a useful, clean and fast functions library for .NET Projects. You can find the project wiki here:
Enables propagation of ISTIO tracing headers in ASP.Net Core.
Spring.NET Social Framework
A client-side library for JavaScript that extends WebSync to provide optimizations for high network traffic scenarios.
A client-side library for .NET that provides real-time HTTP push (comet/reverse Ajax). (Community Edition)
A tiny .NET library to do inter-process communication (IPC) between different processes on the same machine.