Top 20 NuGet graphql Packages

GraphQL Client
COBEREC translates a domain model written in GraphQL Schema language into C# immutable classes so that we can declare the domain model very easily without any boilerplate.
Models for the Zound server APIs to build applications on top of our Zound server API
Code generator for Tanka GraphQL library
Code generator for Tanka GraphQL library
Types for GraphQL introspection model and building SDL
.NET Core Global Tool for generating SDL from url or executable file
Package Description
The ~~swiss-army-knife~~ multi-tool of choice when dealing with GraphQL schemas in .NET-land.
This package will generate GraphQL classes (Type, Query, and Repository) dynamically from Domain Entity classes.
This package will generate GraphQL classes (Type, Query, and Repository) dynamically from Domain Entity classes. This package is for .Net Framework projects and can only gernerate classes for assembly created from .Net Framework. The GraphQL.Code.Generation.Core package is for .NetCore and can gener...
This is a dotnet tool that takes a single argument that is a relative path to a .graphql schema. Internally the graphql schema is converted to an introspection json format and compiled into a voyager template. This file is then written into a new folder called __docs__ in the working dir...
Library to wrap nullable GraphGL fields
GraphQL Extensions to provide Pagination and Search Input types for GraphQL schema.
GraphQL Extensions to provide Pagination and Search Input types for GraphQL schema.
GraphQl Extension.Types provide Pagination and Search Input types for GraphQL schema.
GraphQl Extensions to provide Linq extension for dynamic select and dynamic where and others. Also, provide Pagination and Search Input types for GraphQL schema.
GraphQL Extensions to provide Linq extension for dynamic select and dynamic where and others.
GraphQL Extensions to provide Linq extension for dynamic select and dynamic where and others.
GraphQL Extensions to provide Pagination and Search Input types for GraphQL schema.