Top 20 NuGet graphql Packages

Built-in, generic middlewares for FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server Executor
Set of generic arbitraries to help test graphQL queries and mutations.
Implementation of an OptionType in GraphQL.
Package for accessing Tibber API using .NET
A GraphQL server for Umbraco
Fluent Http Client with a fluent APIs which are intuitive, easy to use and also highly extensible.
GraphQL Query, Mutation and Subscription library for Tanka GraphQL execution engine.
Package Description
Plug and play EPiServer GraphQL service
Plug and play EPiServer GraphQL service
A wrapper library for GraphQL.NET providing functionality that makes it easier for large-scale applications to use GraphQL.NET
A toolset for core authorizing integrate to graph types for GraphQL .NET
GraphQL Client Code Generator
Graphscriber is a middleware made for FSharp.Data.GraphQL that adds support for GraphQL over Web Socket specification in popular servers, such as ASP.NET Core applications.
GraphQL Client Code Generator
Based Librame.AspNetCore.Api.GraphQL on Identity API package.
Based Librame.AspNetCore.Api.Abstractions on GraphQL extension implementation.
Library for resolving GraphQL queries. Integrates well with Entity Framework Core by helping you create IQueryable objects from the passed GraphQL document and variables. Contains MSBuild and dotnet CLI targets for generating GraphLinqQL C# from GraphQL schemas. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of li...