Top 20 NuGet graphql Packages

A flexible, extensible GraphQL backend for Postgres via Roscoe
A flexible, extensible GraphQL backend for in-memory objects or (web) services
A flexible, extensible GraphQL backend
GraphQL Query, Mutation and Subscription library
Code generator for Tanka GraphQL library
alps-unified-ts (Stability: Stable)
A GraphQL helper for dapper
A GraphQL .NET library for usage with ASP.NET Core.
A GraphQL .NET server library.
Package Description
Client for consuming graphql http services
Allows to introspect metadata declared by directives via query
GraphQL for EPiServer
GraphQL for EPiServer
GraphQL for EPiServer
A simple GraphQL client.
A WebApi template with Swagger documented Rest Controller. Or a Graphql Api.
A WebApi template with a Graphql Api.