Top 20 NuGet games Packages

ThinkGearNET is a library for easy usage of the Neurosky Mindset headset from .NET .
Managed Library for Nintendo's Wiimote
Retrieves metadata for Windows games using, receiving the game's .lnk shortcut path as input.
Engine for creating online multiplayer games fast! Using: SignalR for communication
Engine for creating online multiplayer games! Using: SignalR for communication
Jacinth Entity System, by Aravol
A Minecraft RCONServer to script and control the virtual world.
This is a .net Api for Riot Games League of Legends written in C#.
Unobtrusive Finite State Machine specifically designed for games. See project URL for instructions on use.
Unobtrusive Cache for games and business applications
A minimal and extensible tweening library intended to use with game engines - MonoGame, XNA, FNA, Unity and others.
Extensions for `Random` to help you generate random content. HEY, LISTEN: this library was designed for use in games; no effort has been made to make these methods cryptographically secure.
C# Standard Library used to make console games in C#
Package Description
Fork of the DX9 Overlay API Wrapper by JohnnyCrazy
Skeleton UnityEngine.UI.
Skeleton UnityEngine.Timeline.
Skeleton UnityEngine.Networking.