Top 20 NuGet game Packages

Provides chain style definition of animation.
Unobtrusive games oriented Message Queue. MQLight was designed for use in games (specifically XNA / monogame), but is thread safe and has been used in business applications. NOTE: Please make sure to call the Update method at the top of your game's update loop. Business applications can simply cal...
Unobtrusive Cache for games and business applications
Gater is a lightweight framework for creating GAmes that run in the TERminal
Template of MonoGame DesktopGL project for VS Code + .NET Core tooling
A game engine built using Monogame used for creating component-based games.
A set of pseudorandom number generators intended for use with Monogame projects
A replacement for C#'s native events with additional capabilities: no need for null check, priorities, contextualizing listeners and adding no-param listeners to signals with params.
A set of classes which allow handy and fast casted (to `float` and `int`) versions of all `System.Math` methods with some additional functionalities.
Collection of chess pieces which know where to move on the board. They just return pseudo moves or possible moves like if the board were empty.
Some description
Some description
YummyConsole is a console drawing framework for Windows that holds an objective oriented design for you to use to easily draw on the console.
Mud Designer cross-platform game engine core. Provides the core contract that engine components, adapters and 3rd parties must implement in order for the engine to run.