Top 20 NuGet game Packages

Engine Nine is the most popular open source XNA game engine that allows you to create amazing 2D and 3D games in C#. It runs on Windows, Xbox, Windows Phone and Silverlight.
TrueTypeSharp is a tiny, entirely .NET-native TrueType font renderer. It is primarily a port of Sean Barrett's excellent C library stb_truetype.
ENet supports multiple in-order streams of data over UDP, and allows you to decide on reliability on a per-packet basis. Both client-server and peer-to-peer architectures are supported. ENet for C# wraps the C-language ENet networking library. 32- and 64-bit Windows and MacOS DLLs are include...
Retrieves metadata for Windows games using, receiving the game's .lnk shortcut path as input.
A MonoGame-based development framework for Windows Store games
A TypeScript powered gaming framework.
F# implementation of BulletML for internal DSL, and Xml.
This is an implementation of the paper "A Toolbox for Mental Card Games"
A module for turning XNA and MonoGame's polling model for user input into an event-driven model. Subscribe to the events that you're interested and be told when they occur!
a mine sweeper game made by wpf.
Game content creation and compilation tools
Functions for XAML game development.
A TcpClient-based HTTP library for Unity.
Jacinth Entity System, by Aravol
老虎游戏SDK是由完美世界公司出品的一款专业游戏SDK。主要面向Windows 10游戏开发者, 为游戏提供完善的用户系统、支付系统、社交分享体系, 以及可定制的游戏论坛系统。
Reconfigures metrics to route most local broadcast game discovery packets through specified adapter.
Game engine for the Texas Hold'em poker card game (a variation of the standard card game of poker).
Cyclone is a Game Physics Engine developed in C# that is based on the book "Game Physics Engine Development" by Ian Millington