Top 20 NuGet filter Packages

Android Search Dialog Library
DspSharp - Digital Audio Signal Processing in C#
Aims to provide an easy way to create a collection of filters inside .NET Core for a set of entities, and to provide context-sensitive information when data-constraints are being applied.
Write reusable filter expressions that get compiled at runtime!
SiteServer CMS 内容筛选插件
Data grid component for Blazor. Sorting, Paging, Editing, Deleting, Cell template, Row single selection, Keyboard navigation, Virtual scrolling, Filter, Columns autogenerate, Column reordering
A filter for aggregating Serilog log entries
FilterPipelines is a simple .NET helper library for building filter pipelines with middleware patterns.
Library for resolving GraphQL queries. Integrates well with Entity Framework Core by helping you create IQueryable objects from the passed GraphQL document and variables. Contains MSBuild and dotnet CLI targets for generating GraphLinqQL C# from GraphQL schemas. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of li...
Library for supporting GraphQL Introspection for GraphLinqQL generated classes. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of libraries, which are designed to add C# support for GraphQL via creating LINQ queries.
Includes a GraphQL AST, Parser, and Lexer based on Antlr4 for .Net Standard and Framework. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of libraries, which are designed to add C# support for GraphQL via creating LINQ queries.
Library for integrating GraphLinqQL with ASP.Net Core to easily create GraphQL endpoints with C#. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of libraries, which are designed to add C# support for GraphQL via creating LINQ queries.
AutoFilter allows to generate LinqExpression by DTO and pass this expression to ORM for SQL generation and database filtration or compile expression to delegate for in-memory filtration
With this module, user-specific filters can be created in listviews for all data elements in the XAF Applications. These filters can be created for personal use or made publicly available to all users.
Useful (most of) extensions (most of), targeting .net7, c#
An appender filter that works on the exception message of a logging event.
Filtering data in ASP.NET MVC
Binaries for the Polarize library. Visit for an overview and usage examples.