Top 20 NuGet file Packages

MongoDbContext enables .NET developers to work with a MongoDb database using .NET objects.
MongoDbContext enables .NET developers to work with a MongoDb database using .NET objects.
Cross-platform library providing exclusive lock on file, with timeout functionality. Forked from:
ADN.IO is a cross-platform open-source library which provides helpers and utilities to .NET developers
File system based implementation of the Messaging interfaces
VivaldiSoft.IO is a cross-platform open-source library which provides helpers and utilities to .NET developers
File System extensions for a more pleasant file and pathing experience.
Simple lock file implementation
libmagic (file) pinvoke library for .NET. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
Set of extension methods/properties that make File IO easier.
Supported file types are: .vbproj, .csproj, .fsproj, .sln, .cs, .vb, .fs
FileSafeExtension is a helper that finds the extension of files from header information
Xamarin Android native libraries for uplink.NET
A C# library to read .vox files created with MagicaVoxel
Encrypt & Decrypt Strings and Bytes with Password (.Net Framework)
Encrypt & Decrypt Strings and Bytes with Password (.Net Core)
Encrypt & Decrypt Strings and Bytes with Password
A library that provides async IO operations and transactions. Supports conversions back and forth from popular formats like Json, Bson, Xml, Csv on the fly or directly to persist.
The wrapper library that provides smart extension methods to read and write Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF files.