Top 20 NuGet framework Packages

Express settings allows you quick prototyping of applications that relies on fetching configurations from settings file. Express settings is seamless to integrate and requires merely 1 line to read or write settings. It creates readable intended JSON based settings and can be called from anywhere yo...
The ASP.Net Core easy-integration support for Quan.Framework, the cross-platform base framework useful for all projects that use .Net Core
Rust OxideMod integration for OpenMod
Allows you to create a simple workflow structure from specially marked up handler methods, in which the input and output types are the links between the work items.
Package Description
Base Attribute and Intefaces for MVC Caching to be implemented with. Designed for XperienceCommunity.MVCCaching.Core and XperienceCommunity.DevTools.MVCCaching code files found on, but could be extended to other uses.
Entity Framework Core Extention for save and retrive information about adding, updating and deleting data changes with last modified timestamp.
Hydra is a app generation tool with resulting source code. Generated front-end support for Ionic/Angular. Restful microservice layer support for .NET Core. Back-end support for SQL Server. Other supported technologies coming soon as Hydra is highly extensible. Also includes support for mobile capabi...
This package provides supporting SDK style methods to create a StyleSet for use in styling the WebChat control for use with the Microsoft Bot Framework
A high-level 3D .NET Standard class library that gives you real-time 3D graphics with just a few lines of C# code. Supports multiple platforms and devices. See for docs, source, examples, and details on building for other platforms.
This is a stripped down version of main BizBook.Common.Library library. This library only supports the index attribute of Entity Framework Core.
JoyMoe.Common stubs for Entity Framework Core, with automatically timestamps
WMI framework to support performance metrics for various WMI classes.
This package contains extensible utilities for data type handling
This package contains is a dependency container with the ability to automatically recognize abstractions, as well as concepts.
A library that improves SQLite based Entity Framework Core test run speed.
Create UI dialogs automatically with metro, material and windows style for desktop applications by using EasyDialog (.NET 6). Docs and samples: