Top 20 NuGet framework Packages
WPF Controls to display data outputted by RingSoft.DbLookup. Use with RingSoft.DbLookup.EfCore.
I-Synergy Framework Entities for .Net Core 3.1
Default implementation of parsing for standard data types
Implementation for JSON Serialization using NewtonsoftJson
Implementation for messaging using MediatR
Implementation for validation using FluentValidation
Implementation for Excel reading and writing using EPPlus
Implementation for CSV Serialization using CsvHelper
Implementation for mapping using AutoMapper
Application layer implementation
CSharp Analyzers for OpenMod.
Core service implementations for Shearlegs
API abstractions for Shearlegs
some tools for fast developing back-end.
some tools for fast developing back-end.
DomainWorkflows database storage implementation based on Entity Framework
some tools for fast developing back-end.
Provides abstractions and attributes that are used to configure Entity Framework Core
BTheme of the Poste Italiane web template with B-Arts Framework