Top 20 NuGet framework Packages
Provides helper classes using the Repository Pattern to communicate with a database using Entity Framework 5.
Entity Framework Core Factory Pattern, DbContext with desired Db Transaction level when reading writing. and no transaction when readonly context. on any error the transaction will automatically rollback until you commit it
Entity Framework Core Factory Pattern, DbContext with desired Db Transaction level when reading writing. and no transaction when readonly context. on any error the transaction will automatically rollback until you commit it
fuzzystrmatch module support plugin for PostgreSQL/Npgsql Entity Framework Core provider.
Ccr.PresentationCore package for PresentationCore-level extensions, helpers, markup, and utilities. Contains constructs used widely across WPF Ccr Framework-based applications.
Ccr.MDHybrid package for a WPF stylistic implementation of Material Design Hybrid.
some tools for fast developing back-end.
Package Description
A .NET browser automation framework based on Selenium WebDriver
Addition to the logging package which allows logging to the debug trace listeners.
Addition to the logging package which allows logging to the Console.
Addition to the logging package which provides mechanisms to write messages in batches.
The Dialogs package provides you with features to show different dialogs in your application.
Simplifies testing by automatically selecting the appropriate input data for a given test case.
Uses RingSoft.DbLookup to break up large volumes of database data into manageable chunks. Compatible with the Entity Framework 6