Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Extensions for simplifying working with numbers. Includes precision extensions for floating point numbers. Part of the "Open" set of libraries.
Utility library for working with syntax graph in Roslyn.
some powerful extensions
Provides Reactive Extensions based, observable cache functionality.
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. (Tasks Extensions)
A library for consuming consul values in a continuous stream using the Reactive Extensions
Chimp.Logging adapters for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Componente que ofrece clases de resultado de comunicacion entre métodos, extensiones, clases utilitarios, cifrador de password, etc. Este componente puede ser usado en cualquiera de las capas bajo una arquitectura domain driven design.
Because I don't like writing things twice: common functions, utilities, helpers, classes and patterns used in KodeFoxx projects.
Best Union Reusable Component
A collection of useful C# utilities, extensions, and data structures.
Useful extensions for .net framework types. This is a pure utility package and should be kept as simple as possible but also as powerful as possible :)
Set of commonly used extension methods in C#
If you are in love with a lean ConfigureService method into your startup class but you ahve tons of packages/services to register, that's your solution.
Utility classes, helper functions and extension methods of various kinds.