Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Contains a variety of useful extension methods designed to help write more functional, readable code.
General utility extension methods.
RPC Base libraries contains classes used in most applications from RPC Scandinavia.
ChainSharp provides wrappers in form of extension functions around C# keywords such as is and as to make them more chainable, and thus more readable.
Reading and logging the HTTP request message and the HTTP response message.
Provides a set of MVC helper and extension methods (that depend on the T4MVC templating engine) for the popular Bootstrap, Gumby and jQuery UI CSS frameworks. Includes other MVC helpers which can be used in core MVC development as well.
Essentions is a personal utility library, so while fairly generic, it is still tailored for specific tasks. You probably would be better off if you built your own helper lib. # What is inside? ## Collections * Standard generic list with events before and after all modifications with ability to c...
My sweet collection of extensions for day to day developement
PagedList extension for ASP.NET MVC (razor) with custom html-pager for bootstrap. Adjusted for X.PagedList, needs some improvement perhaps. But works for me
Helper classes with Visual Studio extension development
Helper library for dealing with Active Directory
A collection of extension methods that I seem to keep rewriting in many of my projects.
Image.Resize(extension) High quality resizing of the image in just one line of code. Image.ToBytes(extension) Convert image/bitmap to byte array. Image.SaveAs(extension) Save Image/Bitmap as file. Supported formats are: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG and TIF. More GDI+ extensions will come in next release. (...
A collection of extension methods that I seem to keep rewriting in many of my test projects.
EnjoyCQRS.DependencyInjection.Autofac is an Autofac extensions.