Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Aurochses.Data.Extensions.MsSql is a library to use MS SQL extensions.
A set of methods to do extra jobs done: -ListToDataTable -DataTableToList -Object to datarow, check object nullability -string to dictionary -Convert persian numbers to english numbers -more extensions methods to convert between date and time calendar easily -mobile numb...
A set of userfull methods for persian codings: -convert persian numbers to english numbers -Convert to formatted persian datetime from gregorian string/datetime -convert to formatted gregorian datetime from persian string/datetime -Building standard datetime -Convert pe...
Extensions for implementing liveness and readiness probes in AspNetCore applications for Kubernetes.
A library of extension methods to make Rx.NET code easier to write and read.
The ADO.Extensions helps you to convert models into queries. Currently only available for Oracle databases.
Extensions for the WPF Controls
Extensions for: byte[], string, Console, LINQ, ini files, objects.
If you feel that the IDataReader interface could use some work, here is your change. DataReaderExtensions focuses on empowering the IDataReader interface through new method extensions that will make your code a lot cleaner.
Lean token extensions for issuing/validating tokens, automatically creating a private key and creating password salts. This package provides JWT Bearer Token support.
A collection of utilities made for Alexa Skills SDK for .NET (
EFCore.Toolkit is a library which provides implementations for EntityFrameworkCore best practices, patterns, utilities and extensions.
Support for dependency injection mechanism commonly used in ASP.NET Core.
Extensions to integrate Auth0 .NET SDK with ASP.NET Core.
This package includes Windows.ApplicationModel like APIs cross-platform such as: - Package for providing information about the installed application. - PackageId for providing package identification info, such as name, version, and publisher. - PackageVersion for providing package ...
ADN.Extensions is a cross-platform open-source library which provides helpers and utilities to .NET developers