Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

Saber is a small helper framework that allows you to focus on the main logic behind your code, rather than worry about the little things while having to reinvent the wheel over and over again. The name "Saber" originates from a fictional character from "Fate/stay night". In Fate/stay night, she i...
Collection of some useful extension methods
CustomExtensions - Custom Extension Methods For C# This is an open-source library of C# extension methods used to add functionality to commonly used classes and to enhance LINQ.
MSIL Helper provides extension methods to the ILGenerator type. Intellisense friendly Reflection.Emit at last.
Provides Umbraco Model and General Extensions use with MVC
give you opportunity to style your toggle buttons, with your own css classes or bootstrap predefined button classes customize the callback events, such as onclick, onchecked, & onunchecked.
PBDesk.Utils C# Common Utility Library build for .Net 4/4.5/4.5.1
contains extions mehtods to create a functional switch, wich is described under
System.Utilities.Core is a collection of helpers and extension methods for quickly solving and aiding with common .NET programming tasks.
You can found many examples there If you have any questions feel free to contact me. [email protected]
A bunch of useful extension methods
A simple localization extension for WPF.
.NET collection extensions
A bunch of extension methods I use a lot. I don't guarantee that you will like them all or they all work for you. I am uploading them here to make package restore easier.
Collection of various .net extension methods. [Note: This project has very minimal extension methods as of now because it is still under development, if you find some error please raise an issue on github page or fork the project to contribute to it which will be much appreciated. Project url is ht...
A .Net Extension Library - additional classes to fill frequently found gaps in the main framework libraries and functionality to streamline tasks that commonly occur when working in .Net. This library is fully open sourced, and is on the MIT license (so please re-use freely, as long as credit is gi...
MIT - License Collection of extension methods. PCL - Portable Class Library Win8+,Net4+,WP8,SL5
A library of tools. handy methods, extensions, helpers etc. New tools will be added regulary
MPF Implementation of VS Projects