Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

DigitalFlare Oxy. Process host.
This class library (.Net Standard 2.0) provide a C# bindable component that implements the following .NET Framework interfaces: System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations impleme...
This package provides a utility that generates keys from types and their properties to avoid strings.
DigitalFlare Oxy. Pooling components.
A few methods that can be usefull when building custom UI in Xamarin.Forms. Extension methods on Element. Where RootLayout() return the root layout of the page - which also can be specified to return the highest layout of type Layout<VIew> (Stacklyout, FlexLayout etc ) -in the hierarchy. And AllLay...
Extended functionality for types including a Truncate(x) method for decimal and double
Extensions for IEnumerable and collections.
Simple Extension Library for some basic and handy Npgsql extensions.
A collection of utility classes and extension methods that allow developers to have a social life. This is a all-in-one version of Nzr.ToolBox.Core, so you just need one import.
A collection of utility classes and extension methods that allow developers to have a social life.
A simple object mapping library. A simple extenstion for IDbConnection and IDbTransaction.
Extensions to EF Core migrations builder.
Simple Extension Library for some basic and handy MsSql extensions.
A base class for nested markup extensions and a collection of useful extensions for WPF 3.5 and 4.x. (This is a fork to support .net core 3.1)
DotNet Core extensions for system library. The expansion library will have more functional support and will require more dependencies.
EonLib. XInstance factory components and utilities.
EonLib. XInstance components.