Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

This package is a part of Acolyte.NET library. Acolyte.NET is a helper library with a lot of useful classes and extension methods that you need in your everyday work. So, do not reinvent the wheel, use this library instead!
Web4b extension library for Bryllite.
Bulk operations extension library for Entity Framework.
A collection of basic extension methods.
WebSocket management implementation
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Some types and classes for special and general purposes.
SkiaSharp extensions for create draws draws on XAML
MySQL Helper to build queries or using entity models to interact with the database.
Provides a handful of helpful extension methods for use during verification of Microsoft Roslyn Code Analysis, Code Generation, and so on. The package is intentionally left bereft of specific unit test framework dependencies.
DotNet Core extensions for system library.
The Dependency Injection extension in regards to the St8-ment library. Provides an extension method that can be used with the Microsoft Dependency Injection library.
A lightweight, fluent-style validation library
The Dependency Injection extension in regards to the Xtender library. Provides an extension method that can be used with the Microsoft Dependency Injection library.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Interfaces to implement Entity Framework Core Many-to-Many pattern.
A simple C# common library. Free and open source.
Extension to IActionResult for Viewing PDF
This static class converts time to spoken time in Dutch. Example: - 23:59 will be translated to "een voor twaalf". - 00:15 will be translated to "kwart over twaalf". - 09:27 will be translated to "drie voor half tien". Usage: Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToNLText());