Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

MathExtensions is a library for .NET that aims to provide useful extensions methods regarding various mathematical domains, like combinatorics, sequence analysis, sequence generation, sequence manipulation, random extractions, etc.
Convert any list or IEnumerable to a properly formatted, plain-text list, with support for Oxford commas and different list item separators. Use "using static NeoSmart.TextList;" and call the extension method IEnumerable<T>.ToTextList() to return a string containing the formatted list of items.
WebSharper.Community.JqPropertyGrid WebSharper extension for javascript properties grid control JqPropertyGrid.js (
WebSharper extension for javascript tree view control jstree.js (
WebSharper extension for javascript split control Split.js (
WebSharper.Community.Threejs WebSharper extension for javascript 3D control Three.js (
Libary with different tools for WPF. Eg. a Log Viewer for NLog Logfiles, a highlight textblock and many more
A project template for creating a new MSBuild extension package.
An extension to the official driver of MongoDB for C#, that allows more compiled and powerful update commands. See the README of the GitHub repository for tutorials and examples.
Entity Framework extenstions library (Bulk processing and Meta helpers)
Extension for AutoFixture to automatically fill read-only properties of ICollection<T> during value generation.
A set of often used C# extension methods
Lightweight extension library for UWP UI controls
Package that allows to register services to IServiceCollection by using attributes on classes and factory methods.
WebSharper.Community.PropertyGrid WebSharper native property grid component utilizing reactive variables