Top 20 NuGet eventstore Packages

CQRS.Light Interfaces
An In Memory Repository Implemenation
This library is used to build Event Sourced components interacting with EventStore (GetEventStore)
The types contained in this library can be used to create EventStore plugins. Those plugins can be loaded and run using EventStore.Tools.ServiceHost service
This library is used to build event sourced components applying event sourcing design pattern. It defines Command and Event, interfaces like IHandle to handle commands and AggregateBase to build domain specific aggregates.
EventStore core library
EventStore target
Eventstore for Eventure, with EntityFrameworkCore Npgsql.
Brookstone Infrastructure Utility
The repository and observer for using the EventStore persistence system (
The .NET client driver for StreamsDB. StreamsDB is a modern stream database for advanced stream processing and event sourcing systems. See:
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