Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

PhantomNet.Entities.EntityFrameworkCore class library
Provides an asynchronous operations over the original Vibrant.QuerySearch library.
EntityFramework-specific component of the CRUD.NET package family, providing support for DDD-inspired C.R.U.D. functionality of .NET REST APIs and Microservices
Unit of work pattern for Idea framework.
Repository pattern for Idea framework.
Just a gross over simplification of how to test EF6+. This helper uses the guidance from the EF team and wraps it in a helper class that allows it to return Moq objects for unit testing. Its really just a way to hide the cruft so we can all do better testing.
Help us to create index on discriminator columns.
Generically Typed Repository Class for EF Core models
The CData DynamoDB Data Provider allows you to connect to DynamoDB just like SQL tables. Just specify your credentials and access data from DynamoDB.
Enables bidirectional access to Oracle Eloqua through standard drivers.
The CData Google AdWords Data Provider allows you to connect to Google AdWords data.
The CData Intacct Data Provider allows you to connect to Intacct objects.
The CData MSProject Data Provider allows you to connect to MSProject sources just like SQL tables.
Enables you to use standard database drivers to access OFX sources like bank account statements, credit card transactions, investments, etc.
The CData SAP Data Provider allows you to connect to SAP RFC's just like SQL tables. Just specify your credentials and access data from SAP.
Appson Common libraries for .NET is a set of utilities and extensions that are used frequently in different projects.