Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Entity Framework Extensions and Helpers for all Cextensions projects in .net
Provides SimpleDAO's Repository and UnitOfWork implementations for EntityFramework. These components are meant to be used within applications using an IoC container.
Entity Framework 6 implementation of LoreKeeper.
Pooka.Repo.EF A simple CQRS repository
Library for integration of CostEffectiveCode general-purpose framework with EntityFramework
This package provides implementations for Dehydrator's repository interfaces using Entity Framework. Install this package in your controller if you use Entity Framework.
This package provides extension methods for registering Dehydrator.EntityFramework repositories and factories in the Unity Application Block.
This package provides base classes and sample configuration for building WebAPI controllers that use a dehydrated data model. Install this package in your controller if you use WebAPI.
Some extensions to help your Business Applications development
An IStoreModelConvention which removes the underscore from default foreign key names
Provides integration-layer for CostEffectiveCode general-purpose framework and 6-th version of EntityFramework
Generic Repository and UnitOfWork Pattern implementation with base classes for Entity Framework