Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
이 패키지에는 Entity Framework에 대한 한국어 위성 어셈블리가 포함되어 있습니다.
Этот пакет содержит русскоязычные сборки дополнений для Entity Framework
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
Entity Framework provider toolkit. Code from, refactored.
Attributes assembly for SSAS Entity Framework Provider (tm)
Attributes assembly for SSAS Entity Framework Provider (tm)
A fairly responsive paged data grid for use with Durandal and Breeze. This package contains the Durandal widget as well as initial documentation.
Provides a Db Provider Factory that uses the Microsoft Transient Fault Handling library to allow for reliable SQL Azure connections when using Entity Framework 4, Entity Framework 5 or Linq 2 SQL. This package has the Microsoft Transient Fault Handling library v5 IL-merged into it; for a versi...
This assembly sets up and delivers the OData and WCF webservices.
An EntityFramework implementation of data access for AmazonDynamoDBStub.
StructureMap integration for Hummingbird's EntityFramework implementation.
Autofac integration for Hummingbird's EntityFramework implementation.
An update/extension to the NCommon data adapter for Entity Framework.
This nuget package is the runtime/redistribuable part of the Visual Studio AdaptiveLINQ extension. AdaptiveLINQ provide the .QueryByCube(), IQueryable extension method. This will help you to build an analysis engine (without needed of any expensive OLAP technology). Define your cubes using the Adapt...
A visualization of the entities and their relations as tracked by Db- and ObjectContext
The woozle model generator creates POCO classes of your edmx model including additional features such as multi tenancy or managed concurrency.
The woozle entity framework repository and unit of work generator creates repository and unit of work classes of your edmx model which can be used to perform database operations. The generator includes additional features such as including additional features such as synchronizing an object to the e...