Top 20 NuGet core Packages

A simple About window that follows the MVVM pattern for use in WPF applications target .NET Core 3.1.
Report.NET.Standard is an free library to dynamically generate PDF documents for various .NET platforms, including .NET Standard.
Package Description
Package Description
Connect to a SignalR Core hub and call its methods in a typed and direct manner
FluentValidation provider for Kledex validation
Kledex Memory Cache Provider
With this little helper you can project in your LINQ Select() using expressions not written inside the LINQ query. This opens the door for expression reuse. This is a fork of the EFLinqExpressionProjecton project with added support for EF Core.
NancyFx middleware to host it directly in Kestrel server in ASP.Net Core
Guard Clauses orginally created by Steve (Ardalis) Smith. This project adds additional guard clauses used in EXCSLA.Shared.Core. These guard clauses are meant to be used with the EXCSLA.Shared framework.
A Domain Driven shared library, containing basic components for setting up a domain. This package contains interfaces needed to implement various services within this framework.
A helper library for parsing recurring events of [dhtmlxScheduler]( on ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core backends.
Extensions to use Reactive observable in SignalR streams
A Blazor component for adding sections similar to ASP.NET Core MVC sections.
This Library Contains Infrastructure for Tenant Resolution,Building HttpPipline Per Tenant,TenantScoped Lifetime Service Registration and etc for Building MultiTenant Web Applications based on ASP.NET Core
NetCDF-Java binding for .net core
Consistent API Response Errors (CARE). The definition of input-validation errors, application exceptions and unhandled exceptions.