Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Subs for unit testing AspNetCore HttpContext
Dynamicweb 9 package containing components for modules
CMS Content Management System (WCMS) - e-conomic integration.
VK Music client for .Net
Cross-platform library providing exclusive lock on file, with timeout functionality. Based on:
LiteDB provider for Entity Framework Core .
Simple Authentication implementation for ASP.NET Core. - Basic Authentication Scheme - API Key Custom Authentication Scheme
A middleware for counting the number of visitors written in .net core 2+.
ASP.Net Core extension that maps FluentValidations ValidationException occurrence to Bad Request http response
Auth.JWT is a Json Web Token helper module. Auth.JWT is mainly used to implement JWT in the .Net Core application like Micro services, Web API, ML.Net etc.
适用于ASP.NET Core2.0+ 的 OAuth2 认证中间件,使Web应用程序支持用QQ快捷登录。
基于 Ping++ 官方 SDK 包编写的 .NET Standard 库,支持 .NET Framework 与 .NET Core。
Library to help debug image parsing code
Generic entity framework sql server repository which manages your entities. It allows you sign your entities as a ISoftDeletable , ISoftUpdatable and manages them automatically