Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Fork of Extension Method to SnakeCase all EFCore v3.x database structures (tables, relations, schemas, etc.) so your entity 'PersonLog' will become a table 'person_log' and so on. The significant difference in this fork is how parts of an identifier in a...
NetStandard2.0 Unit Of Work
Caching abstraction layer for LocalizeServer
Common services for the LocalizeServer which can very flexable localize resources
Extensions for .NET Core Dependency Injection container that allow to register and resolve dependencies by key
Generic Implementaion of the Repository Pattern that allows for faster development of application's data-access layer
DotnetSpider, a .NET Standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
YAML based Serializer for .NET Core. It allows objects to be serialized partially using groups, choosing naming conventions, etcetera.
ASP.NET Core plugin for NSerializer
A Free .NET Library to assist with writing a HTML Security Headers.
A Blazor component that utilizes server side validation.
Provides the attributed hooks for invoking metrics collector type generation.
Interfaces e funcionalidades básicas para o desenvolvimento de aplicações.
Reflection helpers for C#
Unit of Work pattern implementation