Top 20 NuGet castle Packages

Provides base utilities and attributes for use with ODN's ServoInject and MvcUtilities. This package also includes the base documentation for the aforementioned utilities.
Automatic mock creation and registration.
Castle ZeroMQ Bindings - More info at
Create Dependency Diagram Form Castle windsor container
Fork of Castle.Facilities.SolrNetIntegration and changes the SolrNetFacility to use PostSolrConnection instead of the SolrConnection.
aquirrel base lib.
aquirrel base lib. castle aop
aquirrel automapper lib.
Package Description
A facility for castle windsor which provides the necessary registrations to act as an Serviceprovider for OWIN
Slush Inject - simplified Ioc wrapper using Castle windsor and Castle Core
Provides an implementation of the runtime type interception pattern, using `Castle.DynamicProxy` as the backing implementation.
Abstractions for com.github.akovac35.AdapterInterceptor. Contains the following commonly used types: com.github.akovac35.AdapterInterceptor.IAdapterMapper com.github.akovac35.AdapterInterceptorException com.github.akovac35.NoOperationAdapterMapper