Top 20 NuGet castle Packages

Integrate Castle windsor to Asp.Net WebApi.
MvcContrib.Mvc5.Castle is an addon for MvcContrib.Mvc5 that contains WindsorControllerFactory to work with Castle.Windsor.
Performance monitoring interceptors for Castle Windsor
Performance Counter measurements facilitated by Castle Interceptors.
The enterprise data mapping pattern implemented using NHibernate.
Package Description
An extension for Glimpse that provides diagnostic information for the Castle Windsor inversion of control container.
Ensuring property injection for CastleWindsor IoC container.
A plugin for validating all of the dependencies of a given Castle.Windsor.IWindsorContainer.
Powered by Castle Core, the AdapterInterceptor enables the generation of efficient dynamic proxies for proxying or adapting invocation contracts without requiring virtual methods on the target.
Provides an abstract base class `AsyncInterceptor` for Castle DynamicProxy that enables the use of `async`/`await` during interception of awaitable methods.
The EntLibContrib Castle Windsor Configurator is an implementation of the IContainerConfigurator interface that allows to use Castle Windsor as the DI container in EntLib.
Decent Web MVC framework
Package that allows MVC routes to be created via attributes, both at the controller and action levels (uses Windsor Castle IoC). Also includes an embedded view engine adapted from an example found at
Package that allows services to be automatically loaded with standardized endpoints. The premise is that the services you wish to host will be hosted within WAS/IIS and can be activated via HTTP, TCP, MSMQ or WebHTTP (REST). This version uses Windsor Castle for IoC.