Top 20 NuGet castle Packages

Castle Windsor is best of breed, mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET.
AsyncInterceptor is an extension to Castle DynamicProxy to simplify the development of interceptors for asynchronous methods.
Castle Windsor logging facility lets you easily inject loggers into your components. It offers integration with most popular 3rd party logging frameworks like log4net, NLog and Serilog (see Castle Core docs).
Provides a Castle Windsor container adapter for Rebus
Castle Core, including DynamicProxy, Logging Abstractions and DictionaryAdapter
Castle Windsor WCF Integration facility enables integration with Windows Communication Foundation. It makes services and WCF proxies available as services in your application, lets you use non-default constructor and inject dependencies into your services, adds ability to easily set up your services...
Castle Windsor system web facility lets you easily add windsor to legacy aspnet web apps.
Generate Audit Logs by intercepting operation calls on any class without changing its code.
A simple caching AOP extension library based on Castle
The PPWCode Vernacular NHibernate Castle Windsor library version II.
Allows to use Castle Windsor as a container using IServiceProvider
Castle Windsor ASP.NET Core facility lets you easily add windsor to aspnet core apps.
Castle log4net integration, logging services from Apache based on log4j
Castle Windsor WebApi facility lets you easily add windsor to aspnet webapi apps.
Package Description
Package Description
FluentAspect Castle extensions
Castle NLog integration, flexible and free open-source logging for .NET
Castle SDK for C# / .NET