Top 20 NuGet console Packages

⭐ Redirects Console.WriteLine() output to any remote browser ⭐ Allows you to remotely watch what your .NET applications want to print on the Console ⭐ This is the most simple, lazy and opportunistic way to make an application remotely observable 🙂 Steps to get you started: 1. Redirect Console.Out ...
Provides a "Console TraceListener" implementation which optionally colorizes output according to `TraceEventType`.
A custom health reporter for Microsoft.Diagnostics.EventFlow to write to the console window
Console-based user interface toolkit for .NET applications using Xamarin.Forms
Colorize console output for F#
A small terminal library for MonoGame.
A CSharp library that gives you better console handling for that classic ASCII look.
A library for building command line interfaces.
Plexdata.LogWriter.Console.Windows implements the IConsoleLogger interface that allows printing of logging messages into the console window. Main feature of this package is that NOT only pure console applications are able to write logging messages into the console window. For example when using an ...
Plexdata.LogWriter.Console.Standard implements the IConsoleLogger interface that allows printing of logging messages into the console window. Main feature of this package is that it can be used platform independently.
Plexdata.LogWriter.Console defines all ILogger derived interfaces for console logging of the Plexdata Logging Writer. This package includes classes that are shared between all available implementations of any of the console logger interfaces.
A logging library for structured log events with fluent syntax.
This implementation for the Logfile framework allows logging to files or consoles in a structured fashion. Different information retain their types throughout the whole logging process even inside the logfile. Thus it can later be parsed easily for automated analysis or displaying purposes. The logg...
An elmish wrapper around Miguel de Icaza's 'Gui.cs' including F# Feliz-like like view DSL.
.Net Core prettified Console logger
A library for writing console applications. Extends Mono.Options to support separate commands from one console application.