Top 20 NuGet console Packages

Sets up an ASP.NET Area with a JsTraceController in order to facilitate sending JsTrace messages to the server
ZipDiff is a command-line utility for comparing the contents of 2 zip files.
Mimics the F# Interactive console application inside a WPF user control, this allows it to be used inside a WPF application. Currently based on the open source F# 3.1 Interactive process.
Framework for creating console apps with multiple commands IoC Registration: register all types where - type.IsAssignableTo<IConsoleCommand>() - type.HasCustomAttribute<ArgSetAttribute>()
yslow.js library to run in Phantomjs
A simple, low overhead unit test library for Mono. It's is based on the API's from NUnit and MSTest.
NReco Console Application for invoking actions configured with IoC container.
The Crawler-Lib Service Console Host allows to run Windows Services and Linux Daemons as a console program.
The Crawler-Lib Testing Base for Service Hosts provides basic functionality for service hosts with testing capabilities.
The Crawler-Lib Service WinForms Testing Host allows to run Services with a WinForm testing GUI.
The Crawler-Lib Windows Service Host runs a Crawler-Lib Service as a Windows Service.
This is Code eXtension version for Windows forms, comprising of CodeX, simple extensions for Windows form objects. It also includes Rich form and Rich Console, which can provide Metro look to your Windows forms.
Package for create Windows Services with a console mode.
A MEF Plugin Based Console Kit
Provides a single-threaded synchronization context, which makes it easy to reason about asynchronous code in environments that don't usually provide a synchronization context (for example, console applications).
Windows (desktop) -specific classes. Usually wrappers around Win32 API
HashDiff is a command-line utility for comparing 2 sets of checksum hashes.
ConsoleConcierge is a basic utility / helper library for .NET console applications.
An object and interface with an API for evaluating C# expressions, assignments etc... during runtime.
A console window for WinForms that wraps the Runtime Expression evaluator