Top 20 NuGet console Packages

Library to simplify the hosting of console applications by making it easier to setup dependency injection, logging and configurations.
Provides interfaces for types in System.Console: Console.
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language. This package contains the MSBuild tasks and PowerShell cmdlets that enable integration [with Eagle] as well as the command-line shell [for Eagle].
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language. This package contains the MSBuild tasks and PowerShell cmdlets that enable integration [with Eagle] as well as the command-line shell [for Eagle].
Library for advanced formatting of console/terminal output. Format output like HTML using .NET DSL (like LINQ to XML). Supports paragraphs, lists, grids, Unicode formatting, drawing, export to various formats and much more.
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language.
$ dotnet new -i Paulovich.Manga $ dotnet new manga It creates a .NET Solution with a layered backend (Domain - Application - Infrastructure - WebApi) with the Clean Architecture Style.
Frogui allows creation of WPF/UWP-inspired XAML applications that run natively on the web, all developed using C# and .NET within Visual Studio. Running native .NET components in a browser is made possible using the revolutionary WebAssembly standard and Microsoft's Mono for WebAssembly technology. ...
A cross platform console enhancement library for .NET NetStandard core.
A logger for Forest that outputs to the console. Colorized output thanks to Texta.
Extends Tracing.NET with System.Console tracing targets.
Provide an easy and professional way to download files. * It Provides High Performance in downloading by using the new API System.IO.Pipelines * It supports Resuming * It supports File Segmentation * File Streaming
Easy Use Quartz.NET And NetCore DI In Console
Serilog logger for AspNet web applications. Handler request, response and exceptions.
Uses FluentValidation validators to validate arguments defined using an IArgumentModel
Package Description
contains vairous useful console utility methods, including print table, print array, colored printing by means of color formatted string, console get/set font, read key, prompting etc.
For .Net 5, library of 23 IJSRuntime extension methods gives simplified access to the complete set of JavaScript console functions from Blazor applications. Plus, for convenience, implements 3 common window functions: alert(), confirm() and prompt() and two functions for setting web page titles and ...
The Console Toolkit is a sophisticated but simple to learn library providing a full set of features for building console applications. It focuses on getting out of the way as quickly as possible so that you can get on with implementing functionality without having to deal with the complications of p...