Top 20 NuGet client Packages

GoogleAnalytics.App is an unofficial SDK for interacting with Google Analytics. It is compatible with version 2 of the Google Analytics SDK for iOS and Android and uses Google Measurement Protocol to report app- and mobile-specific metrics.
Package Description
Strong typed HTTP client. The main goal of the library is to minimize plumbing code to bare minimum.
Click a Taxi API Client.
This is a test package. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: Performance of installing a package only containing content files
An easy-to-use .NET wrapper for HttpClient. No extension methods, and included interfaces allow for easy unit test mocking, and straightforward properties allows for easier debugging.
(Obsolete. Use ServiceWire.) A Lightweight Services Library for .NET.
Code library for creating runtime emitted Wcf proxy clients.
RemoteViewing is a .NET-native VNC client and server library. It supports Raw, Hextile, Copyrect, and Zlib encodings, and includes a Windows Forms control to make embedding VNC in your program extremely easy.
NetIRC2 is an easy-to-use .NET IRC client library. It supports all major features relevant to making a chat client or bot. NetIRC2 has full support for synchronization contexts. You can use it from a Windows Forms or WPF GUI thread and chat events will be automatically dispatched, allowing you to ...
Validators: RemoteWithServerSideValidationAttribute - can be used like standard mvc RemoteAttribute. The only difference is, that new validator works both server and client side.
This library uses Google Maps Geocoding API to geocode and normalize addresses. It returns: latitude, longitude, normalized address, operation status and errors. From version 1.4.1 is possible to configure a proxy. Note: the Geocoding API may only be used in conjunction with a Google map; geocoding...
.NET 4.0 thread-safe asynchronous Redis client. Supports pipelining, Redis channels, has built-in serializer and clients pool. Can be used along with async/await pattern.
Message Bus is a cloud-based platform for easily sending email at scale and with complete insight into your messaging traffic and how recipients are responding to it. All platform functions are available via REST API as well as the language-specific documentation, sample code, libraries, and/or comp...
Balíček obsahuje česká satelitní sestavení pro ASP.NET SignalR Core.
Dieses Paket enthält die deutschen Satellitenassemblys für ASP.NET SignalR Core.
Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélite de español para ASP.NET SignalR Core.
Ce package inclut les assemblys satellites en français pour ASP.NET SignalR Core.