Top 20 NuGet client Packages

The package contatins necessary assemblies and helper files to start develop CRM 2011 client application.
Library for making RESTful requests to the BSS API with a valid signature.
Library for making RESTful requests to the BSS API with a valid signature.
Client library for C# clients to access the MicroCms CMS framework
Client package for Medic, a simple health check monitoring for ASP.NET applications.
SignalR Client extension.
This is a test package created by the NuGet Team. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: Make sure the latest stable version is displayed in dialog.
for Fissoft SSO Servers
A C# client library for the S4 REST API
Client for Takenet Charging Gateway Platform
Client for Takenet Charging Gateway Platform
C# client for hook
Provides the means to consume Liferay Portal's core and plugins remote services
This component provides async extensions for System.Net.FtpClient library.
Bolt portable client library used to access Bolt based services.
Contains all the required assemblies for using the SharePoint 2013 Client Object Model, including the additional assemblies for interacting with the following SharePoint functionalities: - Document Management - Publishing - Search - Taxonomy - User Profiles - Workflow Services
Server side extensions for WebApi 5.2 with EF6, oData v4 and Json.NET; Client side js library for jQuery >=2.1 and bootstrap >=3.0
Wraps RabbitMQ.Client in order to make very easy to work with RabbitMQ hiding to the user all the technical aspects, like connections and channels management and providing a clear interface (IAMQPManager) designed to abstract the RabbitMq implementation of the AMQP protocol. Implements RPC (publis...
Luma.SimpleEntity.CodeGen provides the MsBuild Tasks to generate client entity class with metadata attributes for validation, INotifyPropertyChanged implementation and others.